Contact: Pennie Robinson
(360) 582-9244
Wellness Program Coordinator
DVHWC- The Sequim Free Clinic
PRESS RELEASE: Wellness Forum: “Your mind makes a path your body will follow”
Frank DeSalvo, PhD, DeSalvo Performance will present a free WOW! Working on Wellness Radio Forum on Wednesday June 9th at 2:00-3:00 pm on KSQM FM Radio at 91.5 on the radio dial.
Dr. DeSalvo earned his Ph.D. in Clinical Social Work from the University of Texas at Austin, and served as the Director of Counseling and Psychological Services at the Universities of Arkansas and Kansas. He finished his career as Associate Vice Provost for Student Affairs at the University of Kansas, and now serves as a Board Member for the Sequim Free Clinic. His performance consulting services address the mental aspects of training, performance, and competition, and he will connect that work with college and professional athletes to our own community’s work on wellness.
WOW! Working on Wellness is a health education program of Dungeness Valley Health & Wellness Clinic—Sequim’s free clinic. The Clinic provides basic urgent care and chronic health care services to uninsured community members. Our work is supported by more than seventy volunteers, including physicians, other professional health care providers an laypersons, as well as private and public donations from the Sequim community and beyond. We would like to thank our 2021 Proud Supporters.
The Basic Urgent Care Clinic is open to patients on Monday and Thursday evenings beginning at 5:00 pm. Individuals interested in supporting the Clinic may call 360.582.0218.