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WOW! Forum “Taboos: Let’s Talk About Them”

Wellness Forum: “Taboos: Let’s Talk About Them”

Dr. Paul Cunningham and Bertha Cooper, BSN, will present a free WOW! Working on Wellness Radio Forum on Wednesday December 13th at 2:00-3:00 pm on KSQM FM Radio at 91.5 on the radio dial.

Taboos… what are they and how do they impact both your physical and mental well-being? This forum will shed light on questions and concerns that you have about your body or physical activities but are uncomfortable asking or talking about with your healthcare provider. Physical desire, senior sexuality, and corresponding supplements and equipment might feel like taboo topics, and so might mental acuity, or memory loss and forgetfulness. Taboo questions might be about what is happening with our mind and body as we age, how to cope with losing a life partner and all that comes with that loss, or anything else we are not comfortable asking about in public or with family and friends, but we should be able to talk about with someone.

Dr. Paul Cunningham is a physician board certified in Family Medicine, Geriatrics and Hospice and Palliative Care. Bertha Cooper, RN is a nurse by profession and the author of “Women, We’re Only Old Once!” and she has spent decades in medical leadership positions.

WOW! Working on Wellness is a health education program of Dungeness Valley Health & Wellness Clinic—Sequim’s free clinic. The Clinic provides basic urgent care and chronic health care services to uninsured community members. Our work is supported by more than seventy volunteers, including physicians, other professional health care providers and laypersons, as well as private and public donations from the Sequim community and beyond. We would like to thank our 2023 Proud Supporters: Jamestown Family Health Clinic, KSQM FM Radio Station, Olympic Medical Center, and Castell Insurance.

The Basic Urgent Care Clinic is open to patients on Monday and Thursday evenings beginning at 5:00 pm. Individuals interested in supporting the Clinic may call 360.582.0218.


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